Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Ozone, the supercharged version of oxygen, boasts not two, but three oxygen atoms, giving it an extra boost of power! Ozone is a highly effective sterilizer that can eliminate bacteria, viruses, and odors, and ranks as the second most powerful sterilizer in the world.

It is worth noting that ozone is commonly found in nature, primarily as a byproduct of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. After a storm, the enchanting aroma of “fresh, clean, spring rain” that tickles our senses is actually the fabulous result of ozone being created.

Ozone therapy can be considered for general wellness or if one is experiencing certain conditions such as:

  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Toxin overload
  • Acute and chronic conditions or viral episodes
  • Candida
  • Infections

As a bonus, our ozone sessions include ultraviolet light therapy. Have you experienced “the blues” during periods of overcast days? Or improved moods when on a sunny vacation? In the same way that sunshine has been shown to increase energy production and put smiles on faces, ultraviolet light therapy supports the body through the same principles—literally putting sunshine in the soul.

What can ozone do inside the body?

How does ozone do this?

Inactivation of fungi, yeast, viruses, bacteria and protozoa

Ozone swoops in and wreaks havoc on thoese bacterial cells by oxidizing their phospholipids and lipoproteins, leaving their cell envelope in shambles! Ozone has been found to inhibit cell growth at certain stages in fungi. The mighty ozone unleashes its power, damaging the viral capsid and throwing the reproductive cycle into chaos by shattering the sacred bond between virus and cell through peroxidation.

The presence of weak enzyme coatings on cells makes them susceptible to viral invasion and oxidation, leading to their elimination from the body and subsequent replacement with healthy cells.

Circulation Enhancement

In circulatory disease, the clumping of red blood cells obstructs blood flow in small capillaries and reduces oxygen absorption due to a decrease in surface area. Ozone has the ability to reduce clumping and restore red cell flexibility, resulting in restored oxygen-carrying ability.

The increase in arterial partial pressure and decrease in viscosity lead to increased oxygenation of the tissues. Ozone has the ability to oxidize plaque in arteries, which facilitates the elimination of breakdown products and the unclogging of blood vessels.

Oxygen Metabolism Stimulation

Ozone is known to contribute to an elevation in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This sets off a chain reaction, causing 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) to increase, resulting in a surge of oxygen flooding the tissues. There is an increase in the production of enzymes that function as scavengers of free radicals and protectors of cell walls.

These enzymes include glutatihone peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Ozone enhances the oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, which activates the Krebs cycle and stimulates ATP production. Ozone also leads to a notable decrease in NADH and assists in the oxidation of cytochrome C. Ozone also induces prostacyclin, which is a vasodilator.

How Safe is Ozone?

According to a survey conducted on German ozone therapists, a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments were administered to 384,775 patients. The survey revealed that the side effect rate was only 0.0007%, and the reported side effects were consistently minor and not life-threatening.

Contact us to schedule a consultation to explore how we can partner with you to achieve your personal health goals.

We are a private membership office and take new clients by invitation and referral only.